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10 most common SEO mistakes people do

1. Use wrong and misspell keyword for title of your site ==> its not useful and target of your site.

2. Put high keyword club density => against of search point of view.

3. Put too many more keywords in the Meta Keywords tags => Meta keyword tag is not important for major search engines

4. Use Page Cloaking => view user and search engine differ

5. Use Automatic Submission Tools for Submissions =>> it won’t hurt your site.

6. Too many Link Exchange in less time ==> Link exchange with not relevant of your site.

7. Creating Pages Containing Only Graphics => It is against SEO but still pages which are created in graphics are not mistake

8. Creating Hidden Text and Link =>> against SEO

9. Using too many similar doorway pages ==> Duplicate content page.

10. Not using the NOFRAMES ==> not crawl in search engines.


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