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Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

Dragon Rising

It has been a long time coming, but Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is almost with us and looks set to redefine the standards for tactical warfare titles and possibly break new ground for future titles to follow through on.

It has been a while since a title of this type really made an impact on the sales charts, you could say Rainbox Six Vegas 2 is the closest thing in recent times but even that, though a great title in it’s own right, doesn’t appear to match up to the potential of Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising.


The game boasts graphic as realistic as you could possibly expect from today’s gaming hardware and the frame-rates perform well even in the height of intense firefights, both long and close range. Despite some battle sequences being frantic, the majority of the game is spent playing at a slower, sometimes cautious pace and if you try to play any other way you will find yourself being taken out quite regularly.

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is all about tactical warfare and if you don’t stay one step ahead of the enemy then your mission is one of suicide! The events of the game focus around a bitter conflict between China and the United States after China invade an oil-rich island off the east coast of Russia called Skira. Skira isn’t the smallest island by any means, giving you 220 square kilometers of gorgeous gaming environment in which to do battle!

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is released on PC, XBox 360 and Playstation 3 on October 9th 2009.

Dragon Rising

Dragon Rising


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