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Sony targets spring for release of PS3 motion control

Sony has been quite busy of late. The company has announced it will release a motion control device for the PlayStation 3 in spring of 2010.

The controller will work in tandem with the PlayStation Eye to track a user's facial and body movements as well as their voice, Sony says. The device will also support a vibration feature similar to the PS3's DualShock controller.

The device houses "two motion sensors, three axes gyroscope and three axes accelerometer that can detect the controller's angle and movement," states the release. The bulb on top of the controller will change colors to give users visual feedback.

Sony has also revealed a few of the titles that will be compatible with motion controls, including Ape Escape and a sequel to echochrome. Current games such as Flower, PAIN and EyePet will incorporate motion control through a network update.

But perhaps the biggest game to add motion control will be Resident Evil 5, according to Joystiq. The game's producer demonstrated the controls during the Tokyo Game Show. This spring, a new version of the game, Resident Evil 5: Director's Cut, will add the motion control functionality. Joystiq also reports Sony used motion controls during a level of PS3 platformer LittleBigPlanet.

Sony has yet to reveal pricing details or an official name. Game Hunters will bring the latest news on this once it breaks.

Readers, looking forward to using motion control on the PS3 ?


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