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Amazing New Photo Editor: Screen Dash

Screen Dash is the first true cloud image software on the web. It allows you to instantly grab images right off your screen, edit them using paint and photo tools, and then instantly host them to the web. It can still operate in your traditional photo editor manner, opening an image and editing and saving; but who wants to do that when you can just grab, edit, and host. Screen Dash 2.0 is set to be released tomorrow and will offer a better Free Dash and an amazing new Premium Dash.

The Premium Dash 2.0 is the best example of cloud software I have yet to see. It had more advanced photo editing options with cool crop tools and invert selections, email and print features right from Screen Dash, and probably the coolest concept yet, the ability to use your own Adsense advertisements in the images you host. Check it out today! -www.screendash.com/download.php


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