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There has been a recent increase in the number of bloggers worldwide and this trend has been more due to increase in awareness about this vast medium of connectivity among the people of countries and regions where the internet revolution has begun very recently. What actually is all this fuzz about Blogging? Guess what, when I started off as a blogger, I only knew that blogging was all about having one's own website for free and then maintaining it thoroughly for the readers to read. But as I grew as a blogger, I realized several things about writing a blog and the first I knew that it was very different from a website. Blogging is to express. Its all about putting in what you know and what you fee into words that are going to be read by your audience. Learn and display: the fundamental principle that all bloggers follow. You put in all efforts to let the people follow you and the audience believes you when you are genuine. Write out content that is true, that lets the people grow trust in you. Faith and trust are the things you will need to develop in your audience. When you have a large audience, who believe in you, the more will you take interest in writing out content for the readers. Well, so far I have been describing more of the properties of a good blog rather than a blog....So let us begin describing a blog. A blog can be defined as a sort of a personal website that is used to express oneself. Now when we talk about blogs, we can also classify them. Actually, by classifying blogs, I'll be able to let you have a better understanding of what a blog is. Now this classification that I make here is not a bookish classification or a distinction made by the inventors of blogs. These are differences that I found in my two years long career in blogging. You must be thinking why I call my blogging experience a career but the fact is that Blogging is a career. You cannot help describe it as a full time profession. I will discuss about Pro Blogging sometime later but let us stick to blogging for now. Coming back to the classification, I classify blogs I read as general blogs and technical blogs. A general blog is too much about oneself, where bloggers write about their daily routine, the work they do everyday, a vacation they spent somewhere, or a story they want to share. A technical blog is very different. It is informative if not extremely informative. A tech Blogger will refrain from sharing his personal life with the others concentrating only upon the niche to where his blog belongs. You will be able to distinguish between the two very easily by the mere content and language of the blogs. I will surely write a post to distinguish these two styles of blogging, and you can find it here. Blogging is followed as a profession in many countries and there are many experienced pro bloggers who can guide you if you wish to blog on the internet!!!


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