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Tips on writing a blog

Whether you have to write a short, informal blog or a long formal one, you need to adopt effective writing strategies. Blogs may be considered as systematic attempts to discuss problems, situations, conditions or discussions and simulate thinking or action among individuals and groups, you should follow a systematic plan of writing. The following steps will help in organizing and presenting the blog systematically:
  • Analyze the Topic Purpose: The process of writing an effective blog begins with an objective analysis of the topic that is to be discussed and the objective of writing the blog. In other words, you must possess the answers to these two questions. What do you want to discuss or present in the blog and Why do you want to present it.
  • Determine the scope of the blog: In order to keep the blog precise and to the point, the amount of information gathered should be limited to the moist important and essential facts. This helps in making the blog more effective.
  • Determine the needs of the audience: When a blog is being written, the author must know who will read it. However most of the authors tend to ignore their readers. A blog will be effective only if the author is able to connect his/her purpose withe the interests of the audience. Again answer a set of questions before writing. Who is the audience. How is the blog relevant to the audience. What is in it for the audience. What does the audience expect from the blog. How much background information will the audience need.
  • Gather all the information: Once the topic and the purpose has been analyzed, the scope is defined and the audience has been analyzed, the author is ready to gather the information. The information to be presented must be accurate and relevant.
  • Analyze and Organize the information: Analysis of information involves evaluating the information objective, making comparative analysis of different sets of information for obtaining new ideas, and interpreting facts and figures for their relative importance. Organizing the information involves using an appropriate logical pattern to arrange the information in the blog.
  • Review and revise: Once you have gathered all information and organized, now write out a draft and review and revise it for errors or replacement by better ideas and information.
  • Once the rough draft of the blog has been revised, go ahead and publish your blog. If you have sincerely followed the steps I mentioned above, you will see the difference between this blog and the other blogs that you have already written.


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