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How to Promote a Blog in Search Engines

Blogging has become very famous for promotion of businesses. People love to do blogging. Blogging is one of the easiest and wonderful way to express your self, your ideas and thoughts. Blogs can also be very well used for promotion of websites and ultimately to promote the business.
  1. Step 1

    Blog promotion help in promotion of business. You can promote your product, services through the blog and these days with the blog promotion people are getting lots of business and an expansion of their business. Now the main term comes that how to promote a blog? Blog promotion is a moderate and an easy way. Initially it was somewhat difficult because people had a less knowledge about blogs and their promotion. These days there are number of sources and strategies through which you can promote your blog.

  2. Step 2

    1. Submit blog in top search engines
    2. Exchange links with other blogs
    3. Submit blog in blog directories

  3. Step 3

    4. Submit blog in general web directories
    5. Submit the blog in blog pinging sites
    6. you can join communities at http://www.mybloglog.com

  4. Step 4

    7. Submit blog in RSS directories
    8. Do commenting on dofollow blogs
    9. Create more blogs on relevant themes and link to your main blog
    10. Do social bookmarking of blog at social bookmarking sites

  5. Step 5

    Blog optimization is also very important in order to get fully benefited. For on page optimization perform keywords analysis, meta tags generation, content optimization, alt tags implementation, W3C validation, sitemap creation, RSS feed etc.

  6. Step 6

    All the above mentioned techniques applied in a proper manner will surely give good hikes to the blog in search engines. This will help you in getting high search engine rankings and visitors on the blog.

  7. Step 7

    Blogs not only help in promotion of business, even you may earn revenues through fully promoted blogs. Revenues can be generated through affiliate links and google adsence. Overall blogs are best of income and business promotion.


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