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How to Promote Your Blog : Comments

In this crazy world of information promoting your blog has become a nerve wrecking endeavor . We all know the various ways in which you can promote your blog but sometimes it just gets too crowded . Here is a way to tackle blog promotion with the use of comments .

Things You'll Need:

  • Browser with good bookmarking capabilities .
  1. Step 1

    Research and lecture !

    Find the blogs in your niche , big or small , and make sure you get a list ready with them . Once you've done that just start browsing and reading . Get an opinion , get to know people .

  2. Step 2

    Create 3 folders in your browser bookmark manager . The folders should be in the lines of :


  3. Step 3

    Start commenting . And bookmark the articles on which you comment . Place the ones that you just commented in 'New' . Place the ones that have already received answers in 'Dead' . And for the comments that sparked a discussion use 'Ongoing' .

    That's it . A simple technique to keep your comments clean with the use of bookmarks .

    Tips & Warnings
    • Do not forget about comments . Make sure you keep them in check and place them in their proper category . Only the 'Dead' articles can be forgotten .
    • Besides this method you could simply create a junk email address and use it for all your commenting needs . Most blogs offer the possibility to subscribe via email to a certain article's comments .
    • And as always : don't spam . Don't comment just to get your link there . Comment only if you truly have something to add to the discussion .


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