With the use of Intel’s Core i7 processor, the Qosmio X500 Series notebooks will take advantage of four cores of intelligent processing power, where it is aided by Intel’s Turbo Boost Technology while running on the latest Windows 7 operating system (which will be released sometime in October, of course). Intel’s Turbo Boost Technology will automatically enable the processor cores to run faster compared to the base operating frequency whenever it is operating below power, current and temperature specification limits, making it eke out maximum performance at all times. Apart from that, the use of ultra-fast DDR3 system memory, dual hard-drive configurations and NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250M graphics with 1GB of GDDR5 video memory makes this one drool-worthy computing companion that is able to handle just about any game you throw at it, where the Qosmio X500 will churn out lightning-fast frame-rates and spew hi-definition video and audio faster and more efficiently than ever with smooth rendering and encoding.
Expect the Qosmio X500 Series notebook to arrive in store shelves from October 22nd onwards, although there is still no word on pricing. Don’t think this will be cheap though as it ought to hold its own against other equally powerful notebooks that are powered by the Intel Core i7 processor. You will be able to pick this up in Omega Black with stylish red chrome accents that will definitely turn heads no matter where you go.
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