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Firefox New plug-in lets you "dislike “stories in Facebook.

We all have friends that post offensive, annoying or abusive comments and sadly Facebook doesn’t allow you to “dislike” a comment or any other stuff. All you can do is block/hide that person from your feed which is obviously not a good solution. There is a vast majority of users that want Facebook to implement a “Dislike” button to allow them to show their disapproval but unfortunately for those users it is highly unlikely that Facebook will ever add such a button.

Well, we just found out the next best thing to an actual “Dislike” button, the

Facebook Dislike Firefox plug-in. After you install the plug-in you will notice a “Dislike” button on every item on your news feed placed in between the “Like” and “Similar posts” button. As per our current observation your friends will only be able to see that you have disliked a post if they have the plug-in installed too which is bit of a problem at the moment as there have only been 1200 downloads of this plug-in and not a lot of users are aware of this yet. We expect this number to grow massively in the coming days and weeks keeping in view the recently growing demand of such a button by the users.

A preview of "Dislike" button using Firefox plug-in

The plug-in is working perfectly and you can it download it here. Just make sure not to misuse it or you might get your friend list cut short and you certainly don’t want that. Do you think it would be a good addition to Facebook if they make it official? We are looking forward to your response.


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